Part of the Social Care Matters network

Frequently asked social work questions

Answers to your questions

Lots of people come to us with social work questions, here are the frequently asked ones:

  1. Where can I find out more about careers in Social Work?
    If you’re considering a career in social work it’s a good idea to look into the different qualifying study routes, the range of social work roles available, career progression routes and the professional standards that will be expected of you.  Below are links where you can find more information on this challenging and rewarding career to help you make an informed decision:childrens social work questions

    • Children’s Social Work Matters (CSWM) provides information on how to get into Children’s social work, the different qualifying routes and roles available and job opportunities within the Yorkshire and Humber region.  Take their quiz to check if social work is right for you.

    • British Association of Social Work (BASW) offers guidance on what to expect from a career in social work, job application and interview advice and up to date information on social work reform.

    • Health and Care Professional council is the current regulatory body for the social work profession.  Social Work England will be the new regulator for social work in the future.

    • Community Care for the latest social work news and jobs.


  1. How long will it take me to qualify as social worker?
    The duration of the course depends on the degree pathway you can take. Your chosen university course page will provide details of course duration. Our university partners course duration is as follows:

    • Undergraduate degrees are four years and allow you to gain a Masters-level qualification which is highly valued by employers.

    • Postgraduate Masters degrees are two years.


  1. What does the university admissions process involve?
    Both of our university partners invite shortlisted candidates to attend assessment days that have been co-designed with local authority partners and services users; these provide an opportunity for us to learn more about your motivation to become a Social Worker.  At the assessment day you will hear more about the degree programme, the Teaching Partnership and meet with current students and practising social workers.  The day will include a variety of activities, including a face to face interview, where you will be assessed by academic tutors, experienced professionals, and service users and carers.


  1. Where will I go on placement?
    Placements are arranged to best support your identified learning and development needs.  You will complete a 70 and 100 day placement with one of the organisations listed below:

    • Calderdale Council,

    • Kirklees council,

    • City of York Council,

    • North Yorkshire County Council,

    • Mental Health NHS Trusts;

    • Private and voluntary organisations who undertake statutory social work tasks.


  1. What opportunities are there after my degree?
    You will be offered support to apply for job vacancies by universities and local social work employers.  All our local authorities offer a comprehensive Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) programme for all newly qualified social workers in children’s and adults social work.  The programme includes:

    • A reduced caseload;

    • 15 credit masters level module which aims to consolidate your learning into practice and support ongoing learning and reflection;

    • Dedicated learning and development time;

    • Support to evidence how you meet the Knowledge and Skills statements (KSS) and Professional Competencies Framework (PCF);

    • ASYE support groups and in-house learning and development opportunism.


We hope you have found this useful.  Visit our learn with us page if you are interested in becoming a Social Worker with our partnership.

If you have not found the answer to your social work questions on our site please email us at: